Progress as of 4/9/13 – Conducting Interviews and Receiving Feedback on System

This weeks activities consisted of doing recruitment for interviews and feedback on my infant prototype system from parents, professors, medical professionals, and physical therapists.  So far I interviewed one medical doctor (pediatrician) and a parent about their experience of assessing development in infants and toddlers.

Here are the questions I asked the pediatrician and will ask other medical professions in the near future:

What is your first and last name? *First Name and Last Name

What is your occupation? *Are you a doctor? Nurse? Physical Therapist? Other Specialist?

What type of medical setting do you work in? *Do you work in a hospital, private practice, or other setting?

Health Clinic
What is the age range of the children that you usually work with? *

Infants through age 18
Have you ever worked with children that are developmentally delayed or had special needs?

Can you tell me an example of a child you saw that there were some concerns about their development and how you went about treating them?

A child not putting their legs on the table and bearing weight when held up by doctor. Ask parents to bring back within a month. If there are serious concerns then they are referred to a physical therapist, occupational therapist, or cognitive psychologist.
What type of questions do you usually ask parents with infants regarding their development when they come to see you?

ASQ -questionaire with the parent and fill it out
scoring out of 60
6 months – 30 or months
Evaluate kids with the exam –
Language Barriers, reading levels
Useful in a subset of patients
hold up a 4 months on the table6 months cannot put their feet on the table – bear feet really well
Multiple concerns or delays –reccomend to therapyBabies have to sleep on their back -not as much tummy time — motor skills are delayed. No exposure.
How do you evaluate childhood developmental progress cognitively? gross motor? fine motor? socioemotional? Do you use any special surveys, scales, technologies, and so on?
What kind of data could a parent provide to you that would help you better treat a child with developmental delays?

Ask the parents if the child is exhibiting these behaviors at home.
Do you know of any motion analysis or visualization tools that are exist that quantify infant development data?

Not currently.
Did you have the chance to look at my prototype? What did you think of it? What type of data do you think could be extracted from it? What kind of data would be helpful for you?

This could help potentially save doctors visits.Doctor should direct parents with specific tasks or areas to focus on
For more severe patients, they may have to come in, but for documentation for parents and doctors.Parent can upload a video and doctor can look at it and make an assessment.

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