Refining Physiology of Phonetics : Research Direction

We’ve narrowed the focus of our research to tracking the biomechanical properties of the voice from general speech to the singing process.

We’re aiming to track the following three facets:

1) Facial Muscles
Sensor 1: Geometric 3D, realtime, video tracking (Kinect).
Sensor 2: Topical sensors. [Currently researching multiple topical sensor options; tilt switches, flex sensors, membrane potentiometer, etc. are on the table]

2) Air Flow and Breathing
Sensor 1: Barometric pressure sensor.
[Partially inspired by the following podcast on the human adaptation of speech control mechanisms, we’ve realized the importance of tracking air flow. A barometric sensor may not by the ideal air flow tracker but we are looking into alternates.]

3) Frequency and Pitch
Sensor 1: Direct-to-computer microphone.
Sensor 2: Sinusoidal partial editing analysis and resynthesis. []
Sensor 2 [ALT]: Simple tuner program.

Data To Be Gathered:
The airflow and facial positions of different frequencies. The goal is to associate particular pitches with particular facial muscle orientations. Airflow data will likely be used as a data type in the application process.

Final Application:
A musical interface that can reverse the data flow. Exact form and function of the interface will be informed by the research and testing findings.

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